Pet Poison Prevention

Each year, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center manages more than 180,000 cases of suspected pet poisoning. Chocolate is the number one reason dog owners call the poison control hotline, followed by rodent poisons and human medication. For cats, the list includes...

Easter Hazards for Your Pet

We are all looking forward to spring and celebrating Easter with family, friends and our pets. For a safe celebration, here are some Easter related items that can be very dangerous for your pet’s health. Easter Lilies Did you know that this very popular flower at...

About Xylitol

The artificial sweetener Xylitol, which is found in many sugar-free products including chewing gum, is toxic to dogs at small doses. It can cause their blood sugar to drop very low which is dangerous. This can happen anytime between 30 minutes and 12 hours after...

February is Dental Health Month

Did you know that periodontal disease is the number one disease affecting our pets? By the age of three, most of our pets are suffering from some form of dental disease. Just like people, our dogs and cats need to have regular oral examinations and receive regular...